The Essential Guide to API-Certified Motor Oil

Published on: March 7, 2023
Written by Gian Camilo / Fact-checked by Harun Khan

Motor oil is a vital component of any vehicle’s engine, but not all motor oils are created equal. When choosing the right motor oil for your vehicle, it’s important to look for the API certification label, which signifies that the oil meets certain performance and quality standards set by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

the essential guide to api-certified motor oil (1)

We’ll cover everything you need to know about API-certified motor oil, including the certification process, types of certified oils, how to choose the right oil, and the benefits of using API-certified motor oil.

What is API Certification?

The American Petroleum Institute is a trade association that represents the oil and natural gas industry in the United States. The API also sets industry standards for motor oils, including performance and quality standards.

The API certification process involves testing motor oils to ensure they meet these standards, and oils that meet the standards are awarded the API certification label.

Types of API-Certified Motor Oil

There are different types of API-certified motor oil, and each type is designed to meet specific performance standards based on the needs of different engines. The API certification program sets different performance standards for motor oils, and these standards are updated periodically to keep up with changing engine technology and environmental regulations.

The different types of API-certified motor oil include:

  1. API SN: This type of oil is designed for use in modern engines and provides improved fuel efficiency and protection against wear and deposits.
  2. API SM: This type of oil is designed for high-performance engines and provides superior wear protection and deposit control. It also offers improved fuel economy.
  3. API SL: This type of oil is designed for engines that are subject to high-temperature operation and provides superior protection against wear and deposits.
  4. API SJ: This type of oil is designed for use in engines that were manufactured before 2001 and provides protection against wear and deposits.
  5. API SH: This type of oil is designed for use in engines that were manufactured before 1996 and provides protection against wear and deposits.

Each type of API-certified motor oil is tested to ensure that it meets the appropriate performance standards. This testing includes evaluating the oil’s ability to provide wear protection, control deposits, and resist viscosity breakdown.

When choosing the right type of API-certified motor oil for your vehicle, it’s important to consider factors such as the age of your engine, the manufacturer’s recommendations, and the driving conditions you’ll be operating in.

How to Choose the Right API-Certified Motor Oil?

There are a few factors you can consider to make the process easier. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the right API-certified motor oil for your vehicle:

how to choose the right api-certified motor oil
1Check your vehicle owner’s manualThe first step in choosing the right API-certified motor oil is to check your vehicle owner’s manual. The manual will specify what type of oil your vehicle manufacturer recommends for your specific make and model. This is the best place to start because using the wrong type of oil could potentially damage your engine.
2Consider the age of your vehicleThe age of your vehicle is another important factor to consider when choosing the right motor oil. Older engines may require a different type of oil than newer engines. If you have an older vehicle, you may want to choose an oil that is designed specifically for older engines.
3Consider the driving conditionsThe driving conditions you’ll be operating in can also affect your choice of oil. For example, if you live in a hot climate or do a lot of stop-and-go driving, you may want to choose an oil that is designed for high-temperature operation.
4Choose the right API certification levelAs mentioned earlier, API-certified motor oils come in different levels, such as SN, SM, and SL. You’ll want to choose the level that meets the manufacturer’s recommendations for your vehicle, but also take into consideration your driving conditions.
5Consider the viscosityThe viscosity of the oil is another important factor to consider when choosing the right API-certified motor oil. The viscosity rating indicates how well the oil flows at different temperatures. You’ll want to choose an oil with the right viscosity rating for your vehicle and driving conditions.
6Look for additional benefitsSome API-certified motor oils offer additional benefits, such as increased fuel efficiency, better engine performance, and reduced emissions. If these are important to you, look for an oil that offers these benefits.

Benefits of Using API-certified Motor Oil

There are several benefits of using API-certified motor oil. Here are some of the key advantages:

Engine protection

One of the primary benefits of using API-certified motor oil is that it provides excellent engine protection. The oil helps to lubricate the moving parts of the engine, reducing friction and wear. It also helps to keep the engine clean by preventing the buildup of harmful deposits, such as sludge and varnish.

Improved Performance

Another benefit of using API-certified motor oil is that it can help to improve the performance of your engine. The oil helps to reduce friction, which can increase horsepower and torque. It also helps to maintain engine efficiency by reducing the amount of energy that is lost to friction and heat.

Extended Engine Life

By providing excellent protection and reducing wear, API-certified motor oil can help to extend the life of your engine. Using the right oil can help to prevent premature engine failure and keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come.

Fuel Efficiency

Using API-certified motor oil can also help to improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. The oil helps to reduce friction, which can improve the engine’s overall efficiency. This means that your vehicle will require less fuel to run, which can save you money on gas.

Environmental Benefits

API-certified motor oil also offers environmental benefits. By reducing engine wear and improving efficiency, the oil helps to reduce harmful emissions, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. Additionally, many API-certified motor oils are designed to be more environmentally friendly, using more sustainable and renewable resources in their production.

Compliance With Manufacturer Recommendations

Another benefit of using API-certified motor oil is that it ensures compliance with your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations. Using the right oil can help to prevent engine damage and maintain your vehicle’s warranty coverage.

By choosing the right API-certified motor oil for your vehicle, you can help to ensure that your engine runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

How to Maintain Your Engine With API-Certified Motor Oil?

Maintaining your engine with API-certified motor oil is an important part of ensuring the longevity and performance of your vehicle. Here are some tips on how to maintain your engine with API-certified motor oil:

Check Your Oil Regularly

Checking your oil level regularly is an important part of maintaining your engine. Be sure to check the oil level at least once a month, or more frequently if you drive frequently or under harsh driving conditions.

If the oil level is low, be sure to add oil as necessary, and if you notice a significant drop in the oil level, it may indicate a leak that should be inspected by a professional.

Change Your Oil Regularly

Regular oil changes are essential to maintain your engine’s health. API-certified motor oils are designed to provide excellent protection and performance, but they still break down over time and become contaminated with dirt and debris.

The interval between oil changes will depend on your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, as well as your driving conditions. Be sure to follow the recommended interval and use API-certified motor oil with the appropriate level of certification for your vehicle.

Use High-Quality Filters

In addition to using high-quality API-certified motor oil, it’s important to use a high-quality oil filter. The oil filter helps to remove contaminants and debris from the oil, keeping your engine clean and running smoothly. Be sure to use a filter that is compatible with your motor oil and your vehicle’s make and model.

Follow Your Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Your vehicle’s manufacturer provides specific recommendations for maintaining your engine, including oil change intervals, oil viscosity, and oil type. Be sure to follow these recommendations to ensure the best performance and longevity of your engine.

Keep Your Engine Clean

Dirt and debris can clog oil passages and reduce engine performance. Regularly clean your engine and keep it free of debris and contaminants to ensure optimal performance. Address any issues promptly: If you notice any unusual noises or vibrations from your engine, or if you see warning lights on your dashboard, it’s important to have your vehicle inspected by a professional as soon as possible.

Final Words

Choosing the right motor oil is an important part of maintaining your vehicle’s engine. By looking for the API certification label and choosing the right type of oil for your vehicle and driving conditions, you can ensure that your engine performs at its best.

Following proper maintenance procedures can help extend the life of your engine and reduce your vehicle’s environmental impact.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is an API Service Rating?

An API Service Rating is a classification system for motor oil based on performance and protection standards developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API). It is used to differentiate motor oils used in gasoline-powered and diesel-powered automobiles, light-duty trucks, and other engines. 

What Are the Different API Service Ratings?

There are several API Service Ratings, including SN, SM, SL, SJ, SH, and SG. Each rating is designed to meet certain performance and protection standards, including viscosity, engine wear protection, and service life. 

How Often Should I Check the API Service Rating of My Motor Oil?

It is recommended that you check the API Service Rating of your motor oil at least once every 5,000 to 6,000 miles or every six months, whichever comes first. 

How Do I Know if My Motor Oil Has the Correct API Service Rating?

You can find the correct API Service Rating for your motor oil by reading the label or checking the manufacturer’s website. 

What Happens if I Use Motor Oil With the Wrong API Service Rating?

Using motor oil with the wrong API Service Rating can lead to premature engine wear and reduced performance, which can lead to costly repairs. It is important to use the correct API Service Rating for your engine.

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