Can Needing an Oil Change Cause a Car Not to Start

Published on: April 9, 2023
Written by Gian Camilo / Fact-checked by Harun Khan

Cars are an essential part of our daily lives, and we rely on them for transportation. Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping a car in good condition and ensuring its longevity. One important aspect of car maintenance is changing the oil at regular intervals. The oil is essential for lubricating the engine’s moving parts, regulating engine temperature, and protecting the engine from wear and tear. Some car owners may overlook or delay changing their oil, leading to various problems, including engine failure. One common question among car owners is whether a lack of oil change can cause a car not to start.

can needing an oil change cause a car not to start

How Oil Works in a Car’s Engine?

Oil is a crucial component in a car’s engine as it lubricates, cools, and protects the engine’s moving parts. The oil serves as a barrier between the metal components in the engine, preventing them from grinding against each other and causing friction. Friction can lead to wear and tear, which can damage the engine and reduce its performance.

Oil also helps to regulate the engine’s temperature by absorbing heat generated during the combustion process. It transfers the heat away from the engine and dissipates it through the oil cooler and radiator. This process helps to prevent the engine from overheating, which can cause serious damage to the engine components.

Oil contains detergents and additives that help to keep the engine clean and free from contaminants. The detergents remove dirt and debris from the engine, while the additives help to prevent rust and corrosion.

The proper functioning of a car’s engine relies on the presence of clean and adequate amounts of oil. Failure to change the oil regularly can cause dirt and debris to accumulate, reducing its effectiveness in lubricating and protecting the engine. This can lead to serious problems such as reduced engine performance and even engine failure.

The Purpose of Oil Changes

The purpose of oil changes is to maintain the proper functioning of a car’s engine by ensuring that it has clean and adequate oil. Over time, oil can become dirty and contaminated with debris, dirt, and other contaminants that can cause it to lose its effectiveness in lubricating and protecting the engine. This can lead to wear and tear on the engine components and reduced engine performance.

Regular oil changes help to remove the old, dirty oil and replace it with fresh, clean oil. Fresh oil provides better lubrication and cooling for the engine, which helps to reduce friction and wear on the engine components. It also helps to maintain the engine’s temperature by dissipating heat more effectively.

Oil changes also provide an opportunity for the mechanic to inspect the engine and other components for signs of wear or damage. During an oil change, the mechanic may check the oil filter, air filter, and other vital components to ensure that they are functioning correctly. If they detect any problems, they can make recommendations for repairs or replacement, preventing more severe issues down the road.

It changes are essential for maintaining the performance and longevity of a car’s engine. Failure to change the oil regularly can lead to serious problems such as engine overheating, reduced engine performance, and even engine failure. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes and to have them performed by a qualified mechanic.

Signs Your Car Needs an Oil Change

Recognizing the signs that your car needs an oil change is essential for maintaining the health and longevity of your engine.

Check Engine Light

If your check engine light comes on, it could be a sign that your car is overdue for an oil change. The check engine light may indicate a problem with the oil pressure, oil level, or oil quality.

Dirty Oil

If you check the oil on the dipstick and notice that it is dark and dirty, it is time for an oil change. Over time, the oil can accumulate debris, dirt, and other contaminants, making it less effective in lubricating and protecting the engine.

Loud Engine Noises

If you hear knocking, ticking, or other unusual sounds coming from your engine, it could be a sign that your engine is not getting adequate lubrication. This can be due to old or dirty oil that needs to be changed.

Decreased Fuel Economy

If you notice that your car’s fuel economy has decreased, it could be a sign that your engine is working harder than it should be due to old or dirty oil. Fresh oil can help to improve fuel efficiency by reducing friction and wear on the engine components.

Engine Overheating

If your engine is overheating, it could be a sign that your oil is not effectively regulating the engine’s temperature. Overheating can cause serious damage to the engine components and should be addressed immediately.

Oil Smell Inside the Car

If you notice an oil smell inside your car, it could be a sign that there is an oil leak or that the oil is dirty and needs to be changed. The smell of fuel inside a car can be a cause for concern, especially if the odor is strong and persistent. One of the most common reasons for this is low oil levels.

Reasons Why Your Car May Not Start

There are several reasons why a car may not start, and some of the most common causes include:

Dead Battery

A dead battery is one of the most common reasons why a car won’t start. This can happen if the battery is old or has been drained by leaving the lights or other electronics on while the car is turned off.

Faulty Starter

The starter is responsible for turning the engine over when you turn the key. If the starter is faulty, it may not be able to turn the engine over, preventing the car from starting.

Fuel Problems

If the fuel system is not functioning correctly, it can prevent the engine from starting. This can be due to a clogged fuel filter, a faulty fuel pump, or a problem with the fuel injectors.

Ignition Problems

If the ignition system is not working correctly, it can prevent the engine from starting. This can be due to a faulty ignition switch, a bad spark plug, or a problem with the ignition coil.

Timing Belt or Chain Issues

If the timing belt or chain is broken or damaged, it can prevent the engine from starting.

Electrical Issues

If there is a problem with the electrical system, such as a blown fuse or a faulty relay, it can prevent the car from starting.

Low Oil Pressure

If the engine is not getting adequate oil pressure, it can prevent the car from starting. This can be due to low oil levels or a problem with the oil pump.

How to Change Your Car’s Oil

Changing your car’s oil is an important part of car maintenance that can improve engine performance and longevity.

Gather necessary suppliesYou will need a new oil filter, oil, oil filter wrench, oil drain pan, and funnel.
Warm up the engineStart the engine and let it run for a few minutes to warm up the oil. This will make it easier to drain the oil.
Locate the drain plugLocate the oil drain plug under the car’s engine. It will be a bolt with a hexagonal head located at the bottom of the oil pan.
Drain the oilPlace the oil drain pan under the drain plug and remove the plug using a wrench. Let the oil drain into the pan until it stops dripping.
Remove the old oil filterUse an oil filter wrench to loosen and remove the old oil filter. Be careful not to spill any oil on the ground.
Install the new oil filterApply a small amount of oil to the gasket of the new oil filter and screw it onto the engine by hand. Tighten the filter by turning it one more full turn using the oil filter wrench.
Refill with new oilRemove the oil filler cap and insert the funnel. Add the recommended amount of new oil to the engine. Check the oil level using the dipstick to ensure it is at the correct level.
Check for leaksStart the engine and let it run for a few minutes. Check for any leaks around the drain plug and oil filter. If there are no leaks, turn off the engine.
Dispose of used oilPour the used oil from the drain pan into a sealable container and take it to a designated collection center or recycling facility for proper disposal.

How Oil Changes Can Affect Your Car’s Performance?

Oil changes can have a significant impact on your car’s performance.

how oil changes can affect your car's performance

Engine Performance

Fresh, clean oil provides better lubrication and cooling for the engine, which helps to reduce friction and wear on the engine components. This can lead to improved engine performance, such as better acceleration and power.

Fuel Economy

Fresh oil can help to improve fuel efficiency by reducing friction and wear on the engine components. This can lead to better fuel economy and lower gas costs.

Engine Longevity

Regular oil changes can help to extend the life of your engine by reducing wear and tear on the engine components. This can prevent costly repairs and replacements down the road.

Reduced Emissions

Clean oil can help to reduce emissions by improving the engine’s efficiency and reducing the amount of harmful pollutants that are released into the environment.

Improved Engine Reliability

Regular oil changes can help to prevent engine problems such as overheating and engine failure. This can lead to improved engine reliability and fewer breakdowns.

Cost Savings

Regular oil changes can help to prevent costly engine repairs and replacements down the road. This can save you money in the long run and prolong the life of your car.

If you Can Not Changing Your Oil It Cause Your Car to Not Start

While not changing your oil on time will not directly cause your car to not start, it can lead to engine problems that can affect its ability to start. Here are some ways that not changing your oil can indirectly cause your car not to start:

Engine Damage

Over time, old oil can break down and become contaminated with dirt and debris. This can cause damage to the engine components, such as the bearings and piston rings, leading to engine problems that can affect its ability to start.

Reduced Oil Pressure

When oil breaks down or becomes contaminated, it can become less effective at lubricating the engine components. This can lead to reduced oil pressure, which can cause problems with the engine’s performance and lead to difficulty starting the car.

Engine Overheating

Old oil can also cause the engine to overheat, which can cause damage to the engine components and affect its ability to start.

Increased Friction

Without adequate lubrication from fresh oil, the engine components can experience increased friction, leading to excessive wear and tear. This can cause damage to the engine and make it more difficult to start.

Tips for Maintaining Your Car’s Health

Maintaining your car’s health is crucial for ensuring its reliability, performance, and longevity.

Regular oil changes: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes and have them performed by a qualified mechanic. Fresh, clean oil provides better lubrication and cooling, leading to improved engine performance and longevity.

Check tire pressure: Regularly check the tire pressure and make sure they are inflated to the recommended level. This can improve fuel economy, handling, and tire life.

Replace air filter: Replace the air filter regularly to ensure that the engine is getting adequate airflow. A dirty air filter can reduce engine performance and fuel economy.

Check and top off fluids: Regularly check the fluid levels, such as coolant, brake fluid, and transmission fluid, and top them off as needed. This can prevent engine problems and ensure that the car is running smoothly.

Keep it clean: Regularly wash and wax your car to protect the paint and keep it looking new. This can also prevent rust and corrosion.

Pay attention to warning signs: If you notice any warning signs, such as strange noises, vibrations, or warning lights, have them checked by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible. Early detection of problems can prevent costly repairs down the road.

Drive responsibly: Drive your car responsibly and avoid aggressive driving, which can cause excessive wear and tear on the engine and other components.

The Importance of Proper Disposal of Used Oil

Proper disposal of used oil is crucial for protecting the environment and human health. Used oil can contain harmful contaminants such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium, as well as chemicals that can damage soil and water resources.

1. Environmental protection: Used oil can contaminate soil and water resources if not disposed of properly. It can also harm wildlife and plants, leading to ecological damage.

2. Human health: Exposure to used oil can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and other health issues. Improper disposal can also lead to contamination of drinking water, putting human health at risk.

3. Legal compliance: Many states and local governments have regulations in place for the proper disposal of used oil. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and other penalties.

4. Recycling: Used oil can be recycled and used as a valuable resource. Recycling used oil can conserve energy and resources and reduce the need for new oil.

To properly dispose of used oil, it should be collected in a leak-proof container and taken to a designated collection center or recycling facility. It should not be disposed of in the trash, poured down the drain, or dumped on the ground. Many auto parts stores and repair shops offer used oil collection services, and some local governments provide collection events or drop-off locations.


Oil changes are an essential part of car maintenance to keep your engine running smoothly and avoid potential problems such as engine failure. Neglecting oil changes can lead to oil contamination, reduced engine performance, and even engine failure, which can be costly to repair.

Not disposing of used oil properly can harm the environment and human health. By following the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes, checking and topping off fluids, and having your car regularly serviced by a qualified mechanic, you can ensure that your car runs smoothly and efficiently. Proper disposal of used oil is also crucial for protecting the environment, conserving resources, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

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